Fuel Your Day, Not Your Frustration: Personalized Meal Plans for Energy and Enjoyment

What do you picture when you hear the words “meal prep”?

Are you picturing stacks of tupperware filled with the same bland meal?

Guess what: It doesn’t have to be this way!

When done in a way that works FOR YOU, meal planning stops being a daunting task and instead becomes a sustainable way to reach your health goals. Having a meal plan helps to speed up meal prep, reduce recipe indecisiveness, and ease stress. 

Here are some great tips to help you get started:

  1. Switch up your sauces 

If the idea of eating the same meal everyday seems monotonous, you’re in good company. One of the easiest ways to spice up your typical meals is by utilizing different sauces. You can add tzatziki, marinara sauce, salsa verde, or teriyaki sauce to the same grain bowl and you can create completely different tasting meals. The same can go for salads. Simply switching up your dressings and toppings is a super simple way to add variety, without having to buy a bunch of extra ingredients.

  1. Look up “copycat” recipes from your favorite restaurants

It can often be tempting to grab lunch at your favorite restaurant but this can hurt your bank account and your health progress! Instead, you can find so many copycat recipes for your restaurant favorites online. This way, you’ll save money and know exactly what ingredients you are putting into your body. If you are looking for some ideas, I have some copycat salad recipes under the “recipes” tab of my page – check out this Sweetgreen mock salad – a healthier version of the cobb!

  1. Think simple! Prep “blank canvas” meals

At each meal, focus on having a protein source, whole grain/high fiber source, vegetable, and healthy fat. When you don’t overcomplicate meal time, it becomes so much easier to put together a simple yet satiating meal. Even though a meal is simple, it doesn’t mean it has to be bland. Have fun with spices, sauces, and marinades to add more flavor.

  1. Know your eating and cooking style

In order to create a meal plan that works for you, it has to be sustainable. If you know that you hate eating leftovers, steer away from large quantity recipes. Instead, try prepping ingredients that work as components of meals, rather than full meals themselves. Maybe you don’t like salads but still need something simple for on-the-go lunch. Prepare nutritious wraps, sandwiches, or even “adult lunchables”. 

  1. Make a detailed grocery list at the beginning of the week

We’ve all been there before. You go to the grocery store without a plan and then you end up at home with a bunch of food that doesn’t even go together for a meal. Or maybe you go to the grocery store hungry and end up picking out all the foods you craved in the moment. No matter what the case, creating a grocery list ahead of time with a few meals in mind will make grocery shopping a much more efficient process. 

  1. Have some healthy options prepped and ready at all times

Sometimes, the idea of having to take even 10 minutes to prepare a meal or snack can seem daunting. Try chopping up raw veggies at the beginning of the week so that you can easily grab them. Pre-prepared protein sources like hard boiled eggs and snack size containers of cottage cheese and greek yogurt are also perfect for on the go!

  1. Utilize the freezer!

The freezer is a great tool when it comes to meal prep. Frozen veggies are so easy to add to any dish and there are so many options to choose from! Likewise, you can buy frozen protein sources which are super useful if you don’t want to prepare meat or seafood in bulk. Freezing leftovers of meals is also a great option if you hate wasting food but don’t like eating the same meal multiple days in a row.

  1. Create a document with all of your favorite recipes 

At some point, you’ve experienced recipe fatigue or felt uninspired surrounding recipes to prepare. Compiling a list of your favorite recipes is a great resource to refer back to when you need meal inspiration.

If you’re looking for meal plans created for specific grocery stores, check out our Trader Joe’s meal plan, which includes two full week meal plans plus my favorite products. Stay tuned, for more grocery guides!

When done in a way that works for you, meal plans don’t have to be a burden! Making a personalized meal plan for yourself is key in creating a sustainable routine for yourself that will make reaching your health goals more doable than ever before!

Hi lady! I’m a Registered Dietician Nutritionist and metabolism expert with over 8 years of experience helping women fix their metabolism, feel more confident in their body, and feel better than ever. I’ve worked with 100s of women to help them to make reaching their nutrition goals doable and simple using my unique 3-phased approach that focuses on mindset, mindfulness, and metabolism.

You can learn more about my high-touch, personalized coaching program and how it can change your life forever here.

Are you tired of endless diets and gimmicks that promise quick results but fail to deliver? If you’re ready to embrace a sustainable approach to weight loss, one that doesn’t involve restrictive eating or relying on magic weight loss pills, then look no further.

Watch my program video here where you’ll discover the secrets to shedding pounds for good while nourishing your body and mind.

This program is for you if you’re ready to say goodbye to the cycle of temporary fixes and hello to a lifetime of feeling and looking your absolute best. It’s time to take control of your health and well-being.

Take control of your health and weight loss goals now.

** This article was written by Ava Stover, nutrition intern. Fact checked by Allison Tallman RD.

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