With 2023 right around the corner, I’m sure you’re thinking about what you can improve in the new year. The new year can be a great motivator to creating change in your life, but there are common mistakes that many people make when setting new year’s resolutions. Let’s discuss some of these mistakes, and how you can set attainable goals and sustainable habits for the new year.
Common Mistakes
Setting new year’s resolutions can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Many people do not know how to set realistic goals for their new year, which often leads to failure and giving up on these goals soon after the year begins. A common mistake that individuals make is spreading themself too thin. This can include setting too many goals and/or having unrealistic expectations for yourself and your progress. Instead of trying to change every perceived issue in your life, choose a few things to focus on and dedicate yourself to those goals. This will help you to not feel overwhelmed. Similarly, it will also be effective to set initial goals that can be built upon. This way, you can continue to set small goals that lead to overall behavior change.
Don’t be strict with yourself and your objectives, as this can lead to resentment and lack of motivation. For example, don’t create a resolution such as “I’m not going to eat sweets” or “I’m going to lose x amount of weight per week or per month”. If you were to not be successful in these goals, it can lead to simply giving up due to disappointment. On a similar note, your resolution/goal shouldn’t feel like a burden. While setting new goals should be challenging and sometimes difficult, they should still feel attainable. If you are not motivated or excited by your goals, it makes it more difficult to stick to them.
Another issue that many people have when sticking to resolutions is setting a goal that is too broad. Goals should be able to be measured and specific enough to track your progress. Resolutions such as “eating healthy” or “getting in shape” are too general and make it tough for you to monitor. Instead, if you want to eat healthy or be more physically active, create resolutions such as “I will incorporate a serving of vegetables in my diet each day” or “I will go to the gym 3 days a week”.
Lastly, resolutions are challenging to achieve if you have nothing to look forward to. This goes along with being too strict with yourself, but be sure to celebrate your progress and the small victories that you make along the way. Doing so will help you stay motivated and disciplined for continuing to reach your goals.
How to Set Your Goals
So we’ve discussed what not to do when setting resolutions for 2023, but what should you be doing? We suggest setting goals using the acronym SMART. This acronym for goal-setting involves setting intentions that are Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based. To learn more about what these types of goals entail, read our blog post “Do New Years Resolutions Actually Work” here. Using this technique is a great way to set resolutions that you will actually stick to and build upon for the entire year ahead.

If you need help creating lasting habits and are ready to transform your health for good, register for our free Masterclass, Jumpstart Your New Year with Nutrition! In this free Masterclass, we’ll discuss what diet is right for you, how to make 2023 your year for health, and how to set goals that will stick. You can sign up for free here!