Are you looking for more energy to play with your kids, be present with loved ones, go to the gym, or feel more awake at work? Maybe you turn to multiple cups of coffee, energy drinks, and other packaged energy boosters, but these just leave you feeling even worse. Unfortunately, low energy is more than just a nuisance. When unaddressed, it can take a toll on folks’ physical and mental health. Does this resonate? The good news is that energy levels can be improved by properly nourishing your body! Here are a few tips:
1. Make sure you are eating enough protein. Aim for 15-30 grams at each meal. Having low protein can lead to a variety of consequences. For instance, low protein can result in reduced muscle mass, causing weakness, fatigue, imbalance, etc. Look to incorporate protein sources like meats, eggs, and dairy products into your meals.
2. Focus on fiber. Fiber is a carb that the body can’t digest. It helps regulate and stabilize the body’s use of sugars which can help prevent the body from a post-meal “crash.” When you build a meal, be sure to add fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, or nuts to increase fiber intake.

3. Don’t go too long without eating. Ideally, you should be eating a meal every 3-4 hours. If you work all day, this can be difficult. But instead of grabbing that afternoon coffee for a pick me up, grab a snack.
4. Eat balanced snacks (Include protein, fiber & healthy fats). For go-to balanced snack ideas check out our Snack Your Way to Success guide. You’ll get instant access to top snack recommendations and tips from a dietitian, as well as 20 snack ideas!
5. Stay hydrated. Wondering how much water you should drink? Aim for about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women. Staying hydrated can drastically improve your energy level.
6. (Bonus one!) Move your body. This doesn’t have to be vigorous exercise. It can simply be going for a walk after lunch, making sure to stand up from your desk every hour, or doing morning yoga. Regular movement helps your body create and use energy. It can also help promote better quality sleep which can help you feel more rested and energized!
Hi! I’m a registered dietitian and metabolism expert with over 7 years experience helping women fix their metabolism, feel more confident in their body, and feel better than ever. I’ve worked with 100s of women to help them to make reaching their nutrition goals doable and simple using my unique 3-phased approach that focuses on mindset, mindfulness, and metabolism.
You can learn more about my high-touch, personalized coaching program and how it can change your life forever here.
If you’re looking to up your energy so you can be a better parent, be more successful at work, or feel and look your best, Nourished Nutrition Breakthrough is for you. Nourished Nutrition Breakthrough is my high-touch coaching program designed to make reaching your nutrition goals DOABLE and SIMPLE.
You’ll never have to stress about what to eat, or if you’re eating the right amount, and instead, you’ll have FULL clarity in how to eat to feel energized each and every day. Imagine this: waking up and feeling like your best self EVERY day. No more constant exhaustion, no more wondering if you’ll have to feel this way for the rest of your life.
Nourished Nutrition Breakthrough brings you through our 3-phased approach that focuses in on mindset, mindfulness, and metabolism so that you can feel more energized, (and therefore be a better parent or successful professional,) than ever. To learn more about my program, watch this video here.

Here’s what other people have had to say about my program:
“Before working with Alli, I’ve tried every diet under the sun and nothing had worked. Alli helped me to lose 12 lbs during this program without counting calories. I’ve never felt better!” – Sarah H.
“I’m a busy mom of 2 and have never had time to think about myself and my eating habits. Alli helped to make healthy eating and meal planning SO simple. I no longer feel stressed out about what to cook and always have an idea of what to make. I’m way less overwhelmed and can be a better parent.” – Dani G.
“The anxiety and dread I used to feel about food is gone.” – Nicole A.
Learn more about our proven approach and how it can change your life forever.